Showing 1–12 of 24 results
Aktif Dairy Feed
Formulated for milking cows in all stages of lactation.
Enhances digestive tract health and improves milk quality.
Balans Dairy Feed
Formulated to compensate protein, vitamin and mineral deficiencies of dairy rations with high grain inclusion.
High content of good quality protein.
High vitamin and mineral content.
Balanced amino acid profile.
Used mixed with grains.
Allows flexibility of use to the farmer.
Reduces ration costs by enabling high usage of grains available on the farm.
Enhances performance and protects against diseases.
Supports milk quality.
Besi Feed
It is used in cattle those medium fattening performance is required.
According to dry substance principle for increasing rapid live weight, give at least 15% and maximum 20% feeds.
It is suggested to use crop addition when live weight exceeds 350 kg.
When it is intensively used with grain cracks, fattening cattle reaches slaughtering maturity quickly.
Çizgi Dairy Feed
Score Dairy Feed has a high content of metabolizable protein* and energy.
Ensures a longer lactation peak.
Supports the immune system.
Reduces body condition losses.
Improves dry matter intake.
*Metabolizable Protein is the total of the intestinally digestible microbial protein and by-pass protein in cattle. In another way of expression, metabolizable protein is the amount protein cattle can use for maintenance, pregnancy and milk production without any losses.
Doğuş Dairy Feed
Formulated to establish the energy-protein balance in rations with low cereal grains and protein content.
High content of good quality protein.
High energy content.
Balanced amino acid profile.
Rich in vitamins and minerals.
Enhances performance and protects against diseases.
Supports milk quality.
Maintains milk fat and milk protein at ideal levels
Düve Feed
Can be fed to female calves from 6 months (180 days) of age until their first calving.
Breeding heifers should be fed aiming a daily gain of 850-900 g from 6 months of age until insemination, and thereafter 800-850 g until a month before expected calving.
Ensures a healthy development with its balanced energy and protein profile.
Helps adequate formation of the udder.
Improves fertility.
Ensures correct height and weight with respect to age.
Enerji Dairy Feed
Formulated for milking cows in all stages of lactation.
Improves milk yield and quality.
Enhances digestive tract health and improves milk quality.
Grain Fattening Feed
Formulated for high weight gain, carcass quality and feed efficiency.
Used throughout the whole fattening period.
For beef cattle above 350 kg of live weight, rolled grains can be added to the rations for better feedlot performance.
Ensures fast weight gain thanks to its rich starch content.
Its special formula improves carcass quality and dressing percentage.
Kanıt Dairy Feed
Formulated for milking cows in all stages of lactation.
Contains highly digestible, excellent quality protein sources.
When the protein requirements of of dairy cows are met with high quality protein sources, higher milk yields are obtained with less protein.
Kuru Dönem Feed
Formulated for dried-off dairy cows.
Decreases the incidence of post-calving metabolic disorders, particularly ketosis.
Prevents over conditioning.
Mat Beef Feed
Used in fattening cattle from 350kg of live weight until slaughter.
Thanks to ist very rich nutrient profile no additional cereal grains are needed.
Pro 41 Dairy Feed
It can be used throughout the whole lactation period to complement rations consisting of high energy but low protein forages/concentrates.
It compensates the protein deficiencies of on-farm feed ingredients such as corn silage, various small-grain silages, whole-crop cereals, rolled grains and beet pulps.